No estamos solos. Me escribe un amigo irlandés para contarme lo que copipego a continuación:
Take a look at this. I make a couple of quick appearances. It was part of an experiment in deliberative democracy. Several meetings were held nationwide and anyone could go along and contribute. Roundtable exchanges facilitated by a neutral mediator feeding into a statement of priorities. Next weekend there’ll be a “Peoples Parliament” made up of 150 people,selected at random, not just the usual bunch of activists, a representative cross-section, invited to vote on concrete proposals based on the agenda set by the regional meetings. The Government has committed to serious engagement with the project. It was set up by a number of academics,intellectuals and has been funded by Chuck Feeney, the billionaire Irish-American philantrophist.Spain isn’t one of the countries he usually contributes to but the word “primarily” does leave room for manoeuvre. Might be worthwhile someone from 15-M making an approach. Take a look :
En rápida traducción, es un experimento irlandés de democracia pagado por una organización que apoya este tipo de iniciativas y que puede ser contactada a través del enlace de más arriba. 15o personas elegidas al azar hablan de propuestas concretas que les llegan a través de reuniones previas a nivel regional. El Gobierno irlandés se ha comprometido para tomar en cuenta el proyecto.